99.9% Similar but Still Conflicted
Since our shared 99.9% DNA makes us so similar, why do humans hyper-focus on our differences, especially those that spark conflicts?
Imagine a routine doctor’s appointment like this one:
Since our shared 99.9% DNA makes us so similar, why do humans hyper-focus on our differences, especially those that spark conflicts?
Imagine a routine doctor’s appointment like this one:
My Unintentional pilgrimage in search of hallowed ground among the ancient stones in Israel and reflecting on Jesus’s suffering and victory at his empty tomb in Jerusalem.
Acts of violence are breeders of anguish. For all the days that man has walked on the face of planet earth, it has been so. No epoch in human history exists where acts of violence, slavery, abuse, and suffering were absent. Forced labor from conscripted, indentured, and enslaved workers built the wonders of the ancient …